kOCEMoreDiskSpaceNeeded - Inadequate disk space to safely complete operation kOCEServerInactive kOCERequiredServicesNotAvailable kOCEInvalidConfiguration kOCEHasPendingMsgs kOCERefIsClosing - Object references is being closed, cannot complete command kOCEInvalidIndex - invalid index (out of range) kOCEInvalidRecipient - Invalid recipient/address for this command kOCEConnectionClosed - Connect has closed kOCEConnectionErr - Unable to open or maintain a network transport kOCEDoesntExist - the object being referenced doesn't exist or cannot be found kOCEAlreadyExists - The object being added already exists kOCENotAuthenticated - The user must be authenticated kOCENotImplemented - Feature not implemented kOCENotAnOwner - this operation can only be done by the object's owner kOCEInternalErr - the OCE toolbox has an internal error kOCESyncAsyncErr - Op tried synchronously may only be done async, or vice versa kOCEVersionErr - some manner of software version mismatch kOCEBufferTooSmall - the buffer supplied is too small for the task kOCEInvalidRef - a reference to an object is obsolete or invalid kOCEInvalidCommand - Request code passed to a trap call is invalid kOCEToolboxNotOpen - Toolbox not open; perhaps its closing